Thursday, September 30, 2010

5 Reasons Why Zombies Are Better Than Vampires

I felt this was more than an appropriate subject for my second entry. It may not be clear to you, my curious reader, as to why this is. Heck, it might not even be clear to me. October is just around the corner, and video games have lent themselves to zombies more and more lately. I like games. *shrug* I don't fight it - I just go where the electrical impulses in my brain take me.

Zombies. Ugly, foul, lumbering, one-track minded creatures. What's to like? Well, I don't know about you, but despite how it looks on the surface, I think zombies are much cooler than vampires. And I'm going to prove it to you.

Reason #1: Zombies Make Better Video Games

If you know anything about video games, you should be able to name a whole whackload of games that feature zombies. Even if you only play games casually, I bet you can name at least one.

Was it obvious?
A couple of my other personal favorites include Zombies Ate My Neighbors and the Resident Evil series. Truth be told, I've never played Left 4 Dead.

I consider myself to be a person who has played a lot of video games. Maybe not as much as a lot of other people, but I can hold my own. I can only name a few great games that feature vampires. That's not to say that there aren't some great ones out there (read: Castlevania), but in my experience, the pickins' are slim.

Reason #2: Zombies Are More Fun

There are so many instances that I can think of in gaming and film where zombies make for a hilarious and fun experience. When I think of vampires, I can't come up with very many instances where there was fun to be had. That isn't to say fun vampire occurrences don't exist. Buffy the Vampire Slayer is one memorable film that I always enjoy watching, but overall, the numbers don't really hold their own against zombies in this regard.

"O RLY?!"
Reason #3: Micheal Jackson's Thriller

I'm not sure why, but dancing zombies just work. And if you add Micheal Jackson into the mix, it works really well. Now imagine a bunch of dancing vampires. Go ahead, I'll wait...

Can't do it, can you? Vampires are solitary creatures. Zombies function well in groups. Backup dancers also function well in groups. Logically, it just makes sense. Am I wrong?

Don't question it. Pop culture has spoken.
Reason #4: Zombies Aren't Complicated

What makes a zombie? Generally speaking, they are undead creatures who like brains, and can be killed by lopping their heads off. That's basically it. Vampires? Get out your checklist! They don't like sunlight, you can kill them with a stake to the heart, they don't like holy water or crosses, they feed on blood, they can turn into bats, you have to invite them in, and they can charm you just by looking in your eyes.

I don't know about you, but that's too complicated for me. Try and hold a conversation with a zombie and see how far you get. They're after one thing, and anyone with half a brain would interest them...see what I did there? Hiyooo!

Which brings me to my last reason why zombies are better than vampires.

Reason #5: Teenage Girls Don't Throw Themselves at Zombies

'Nuff said.

I dunno. I don't see it.


  1. I was sitting on the fence until reason #5...zombies rule!!

  2. Ah yes. I figured that would be the clincher for close calls. ;-)
